About my own story

My Story

I’m Florence and I’m the founder of Your Path, a beautiful, safe space I created for you to press pause, re-centre and grow.
I started meditating when I was about 6 years old (with my grandmother, at her yoga class), it then became a regular practice when I moved from Belgium to the UK in 2005. During the pandemic, I dived into daily meditation and this is when it changed it all. I’d go out meditating in nature for comfort, self-care and for healing... to simply remind myself how to breathe properly! It was my time and space to check-in, clear my head and connect with myself again.
Meditation is like my compass, allowing me to check in, ensuring I am walking in the right direction. It’s the anchor so I live meaningfully, a lighthouse that keeps bringing me back to my true essence, even during the wildest storms.
As I walked my path of self-growth, with the guidance of my coaches, I awoke to my true purpose; the reason I am here on Earth now. I connected with my true self and all became very obvious. This was so powerful and empowering, I decided to train as a coach myself. Now, I feel privileged and humbled to guide you to connect with your inner truth so you get to discover just how wonderful you are, discover your unlimited potential, so that you fall in love with all you are and heal what you haven’t healed yet. Writing these lines literally makes my whole body tingle. There is nothing more beautiful than witnessing someone realising who they are, falling in love with their own story, getting excited to lead their next chapter, take meaningful decisions towards the life they are meant to live.
A little more about me... I hold a deep love for Mother Nature. A love that was nurtured from a very young age and passed down to me from my dad. I see nature and meditation as intrinsic parts of my happiness. I am a mother of two beautiful souls, who I am blessed to know and grateful to have in my life. They often remind me how to see the world through empathy and compassion but with lightness and simplicity. A little while back, I used to be a primary school teacher. I loved the actual teaching part, it’s the system constraints and politics which I didn’t align with any longer. Now I feel a need to live this one precious life meaningfully and I would be honoured to guide you on Your Path.
Sending you light & peace.
Florence x